Imus Remembers One Thing, Forgets Another During Chat with S.E. Cupp
Considering Imus rarely remembers who was on the show just one day ago, it was impressive that he knew the “S.E.” in S.E. Cupp’s name stands for Sarah Elizabeth.
“I’m flattered,” said Cupp, author of “Losing Our Religion,” who then gave a disapproving head shake when asked about Obama’s handling of the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
Owing that the President is actually doing some things right, Cupp stipulated that he’s doing them in the wrong order. “We’re missing the human touch in this,” she said.
For Obama to rail at BP for owing the U.S. $68 million and then use this catastrophe to advance his pro-energy agenda is bad timing, in her opinion. “That’s the kind of stuff that should happen after the spill ahs been contained, and after it’s been cleaned up,” Cupp said.
Someone she feels has displayed appropriate levels of compassion and leadership during this nightmare is Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who has brought a human touch to the situation in a way Obama seems incapable of doing.
“He needs to feel our pain,” she said of the President. “This is not just a chance for politicking, and this is not just a chance to look angry at BP.”
Far from believing Obama lacks compassion, Cupp just doesn’t think he knows how to show it. Unlike, say, Paul McCartney, who was very vocal and emotive in his appearance at the White House the other night, where he disparaged President George W. Bush.
“You’re not from here,” Imus pointed out to the former Beatle, wherever he was. “And a company from your homeland is ruining the planet!”
As for allegations the Obama administration offered jobs to two Democrats to get them not to run against Democratic incumbents in U.S. Senate races, Cupp thinks the story raises a number of interesting issues.
Beyond questioning their qualifications for the jobs in question, as Tucker Carlson did on Fox News last night, Cupp wondered why these two relatively obscure, previously unknown Democrats would pass up the opportunity to work in Obama’s “rock star” White House.
“That’s really interesting, because it means the bloom is off the rose a little,” she said. “The Obama patina isn’t as shiny as it once was.”
Though his guest was making an astute observation, Imus hadn’t heard much of it.
“I was trying to pay attention,” he said. “But I was asking Bernie if we hate Tucker Carlson.”
The verdict: We used to hate him, but now we don’t. Also, he was nice to Deirdre when they appeared together recently on “Hannity.” Though the I-Man speculated that was probably the result of fear.
-Julie Kanfer

Reader Comments (2)
Julie - I can't find anywhere else to ask this question but when is Imus going to find a station in the DC area?
I'm not sure, but as soon as he does, we will let everyone know! Until then, you can watch us in DC on the Fox Business Network!