From the Greem Room: DC Potheads
Washington D.C. is sending a bill to Mayor Adrian Fenty that would make medical marijuana legal. If Mayor Fenty signs it, D.C. will join the 14 States that currently allow the substance, giving new meaning to the phrase “higher government.”
It’s unclear whether Hizzoner is on board with the idea, but one thing’s for sure: if Marion Barry was still the mayor, not only would that bill already be signed, but crack, meth and airplane glue would also be freely available at every Costco in the district. It’s just a shame this didn’t happen back during the Carter administration. Willie Nelson wouldn’t have had to steal away to the roof of the White House with Hamilton Jordan to burn a fatty.
The ramifications of this concept pose some concerns. For instance, the last thing Janet Napolitano and Hilary Clinton need is a case of the munchies. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsac has a new cash crop. The term “grass-fed beef” would take on entirely new meaning. Over at the Supreme Court, I can see Justice Clarence Thomas, in chambers, admonishing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (who will use her dentures as a roach clip) to not “bogart that joint.” Vice President Biden doesn’t need anything that will make him sound stupider. Stoned, he would be virtually inarticulate. “Hey…there could be a little tiny universe under my fingernail…that’s a big f-ing deal.”
I don’t think it would have much of effect on Peter Orszag, who already looks like he’s high, what with that oven mitt he wears on his head. He might even use that thing as a bong cover. Anyone who is fooled by that dead ferret on his gourd must be baked.