The Olympics are finally over

The Olympics are finally over, and, with all the glory, tragedy, exhilaration and suspense, there is only one thing that will remain with me: Giant inflatable beavers.
I am not one of those 'Canuck Haters', as my family's roots are in Canada, even though I believe it is really only serves as 'America's Hat'. But the closing ceremonies did little to improve the reputation of the Great White North as nothing more than a cheaper, colder, pale imitation of the Untied States. With Health Care.
All the world's eyes were on that arena ice when they offered their version of our Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. But even the presence of Michael J. Fox and Michael Buble couldn't save the train wreck of enormous table hockey figures batting a little kid dressed as a puck around the rink. Or the enormous, Easter Island sized Mountie balloons. Or the flying Maple Leaf Dancers.
Or the giant Inflatable Beavers.
What is the message we are expected to glean from this display? What have we learned about what is considered to be 'Canadian Culture'?
That they are hockey playing, horse riding people who are fans of large, nocturnal aquatic rodents.
Oh yeah...and they must like pancakes.