Larry King's Tips For Deirdre Imus

During commercial breaks, hit on your guests. It’ll make them feel really welcome, and, you never know, you actually might get lucky. And don’t flirt with JUST the men. A little unspoken, subliminal girl on girl action potential will push your Nielsen numbers up exponentially.
Try to involve your guests with each other. Encourage them to interact. Find common ground between them, even if it isn’t obvious. You’d be surprised that a guy who spent years in a Turkish prison, for a crime he didn’t commit, has an awful lot in common with a birthday party clown.
Don’t be afraid to ask difficult questions. Like, ‘Tell me senator, yes or no? Did you stop beating your wife?’ He’s screwed no matter how he answers that one.
Don’t be afraid to ask a stupid question. Imus has built a career on that very concept.
During an interview, if your guest’s answer lasts longer than five seconds, check your email on your iPhone. It enourages them to be more interesting.
When in doubt, call your guest fat and stupid. It gives you an undisputable upper hand.