Jake Tapper, Sick of the Pomp in Europe, Learns of Close Imus-Bibi Relationship
Though he greeted Imus speaking the King’s English, ABC News’s Jake Tapper was actually quite disillusioned with the President’s European trip so far. “Today, thankfully, this trip turns to matters of substance, after two days of fluff and pints,” Tapper, who was in London, said, adding, “I’m tired of covering hats.”
Following a press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Obama will address the British Parliament, only the fourth time in history a visiting head of state has done so. But below the surface, all is not well between the President and his host country.
“The British—and the French, for that matter—want the U.S. to contribute more to the military intervention in Libya,” Tapper reported. “And Prime Minister Cameron just announced a withdrawal, I think, of about 450 British troops from Afghanistan.”
And then, of course, there’s the obvious issue of who will replace the I-Man’s “friend,” as Tapper called Dominique Strauss-Kahn, at the International Monetary Fund. “Why are you starting in with me?” Imus asked Tapper, who had no excuse.
As the conversation between Imus and Tapper grew increasingly uncomfortable, it evoked Obama’s predicament at last night’s state dinner with the Queen of England.
“Apparently the orchestra thought that the President had finished his toast,” Tapper explained. “He had not.” In describing the gaffe, Tapper elaborated, “It reminded me of when people talk too long during their Oscar speech, and the band starts playing to get them off the stage.” Tomorrow the President heads to Paris, where Tapper said the “real work” begins at the G-8 Summit.
While Obama’s been gallivanting around Europe, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to both houses of Congress yesterday, delivering a speech that garnered numerous standing ovations from the crowd.
“It’s a frosty relationship, the one between the President and Prime Minister Netanyahu,” Tapper said. “They’re not particularly close friends. I don’t think the Prime Minister endeared himself to the President when he gave those Jewish history lessons in the Oval Office last week.”
Netanyahu’s so-called “history lesson” came in the wake of Obama’s assertion that the 1967 borders for Israel should be the basis for peace negotiations with the Palestinians, along with mutually agreed upon land swaps. Even more interesting, in Tapper’s view, is that top Democrats in the House and Senate have publicly and strongly broken with Obama on this issue.
Then, presumably gunning for a producer credit on this show, Tapper suggested Imus book Netanyahu as a guest. Little did he know, Bibi and Imus were once “very close.”
“He used to almost be a part of the I-Man’s posse,” Imus said, unfortunately referring to himself in the third person. Prompted to specify just how close the two had been, Imus relented. “He wasn’t hangin’ in the Hummer, but you know what I’m saying.”
-Julie Kanfer

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