Monica Crowley Gives Imus Wardrobe Advice; Also Believes Obama is a Socialist
Monica Crowley recently became engaged to her longtime boyfriend, an event Imus attributed not to love, but to the fact that his guest looks better than ever. “You know how long it takes to fall in love?” Imus asked her. “A fifth of a second.”
Which is probably about how long it took Crowley, a nationally syndicated radio talk show host and Fox News contributor, to decide she didn’t like President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night.
“After that speech, if anybody was left wondering what Barack Obama really is, there’s no mystery about it anymore,” she said. “This is a big government, big spending, radical program. There has been no change of ideological heart on the part of Barack Obama.”
Recent predictions by the Congressional Budget Office that unemployment won’t be down around five percent until 2016 were indicative, in Crowley’s view, of the economy’s continuing structural problems.
“What government can do is create an environment where you can have job creation by lowering the tax burden, lowering the regulatory burden on small businesses, and medium and big businesses,” she said. “And what we’ve had from this administration, and frankly from this Democratic congress until just recently, is the exact opposite. We’ve had a repressive kind of regime that has stunted job creation, and stunted job growth.”
Though Imus thought Republicans had claimed extending the Bush tax cuts would create more jobs, which it has not, Crowley said, “You are incorrect, sir.” The Republicans’ argument, rather, had been that allowing tax rates to go up for everybody would make a bad situation even worse. “If you want real job creation, you actually have to cut taxes, not just keep it status quo,” she added.
Then Lou disappeared for a hot minute, Imus had to wait to play a Todd Snider song for his guest, then admitted he had no idea why he even brought up Snider in the first place. Crowley, however, was more concerned with the I-Man’s black-on-black wardrobe choice, commenting that she felt like she was sitting next to the grim reaper.
“I feel like you’re about to break into ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ at any second,” she said.
Like Stuart Varney before her, Crowley firmly believes Obama is a socialist; not in the sense that, as Imus put it, “we all wear uniforms and make the same amount of money,” but in that he believes in taking from one to give to another.
“It’s about equalizing everybody, and giving everybody an equal share of poverty,” she said. “That’s what Obamacare was all about. Health care reform was never about health care. It was about government power and government control.”
Then, Crowley lost control of the point she was trying to make about Sarah Palin’s response to the State of the Union, because Imus was distracted by a reference to Newt Gingrich. “Remember when he was trying to hound Bill Clinton out of office, and he was having an affair, cheating on his own wife?” Imus said, and was quickly jumped on by Bernard, who explained that Gingrich had been investigating Clinton’s perjury and obstruction of justice, not his affair.
“We are re-litigating 1997,” Crowley, frustrated, pointed out. “We are right on the edge on the ‘Imus in the Morning’ program!”
We’re definitely on the edge of something.
-Julie Kanfer
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