Imus and Ingraham Fantasize About Who Should Run for President in 2012
Laura Ingraham, the nationally syndicated radio host, picked up on some moodiness in the I-Man’s demeanor earlier this morning, leading her to wonder if he was done with “that little phase.” If by “that little phase” she means his entire life, then no.
“I walk into a dysfunctional family every time I come here,” Ingraham said. “It’s someone fighting with someone, there’s backbiting, it’s intrigue. It’s kind of like the Obama White House.”
In an effort to comply with the President’s request during last week’s speech in Tucson to use “words that heal, not wound,” Ingraham suggested Imus begin each day with a mantra along those lines. “Maybe in a yoga position,” she advised.
Though he’s no big fan of Obama’s, Imus thought he did a terrific job in that address, given at a memorial service on the University of Arizona campus to honor the victims of last weekend’s shooting outside a Safeway, where six people were killed and 13 wounded, among them Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Ever contrary, Ingraham called the speech “pretty good,” but thought the part where he encouraged people to act more civil toward one another was “a total non sequitur.”
“It had nothing to do with the horrific events of Arizona, we all know that now,” she said. “If he really wanted to send a message, he could have looked out at the cheering, and whooping, and hollering in that arena and said, ‘Please, enough.’”
To Imus’s point that the event was held on a college campus and the arena was full of students, Ingraham repeated what she believes is the Obama administration’s motto: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Also, never let a good resemblance go to waste, something Ingraham preaches on her website, where she posts pictures of well-known figures who, against all odds, look like one another. For instance, Ricky Gervais and Rosie O’Donnell.
Unlikely to be featured in that section is Chinese President Hu Jintao, in town this week to be sucked up to, in Ingraham’s view, by the President. “Obama is walking a delicate line,” she said, warning, “China is an aggressor. It wants to be a global hegemon. It wants to eclipse the United States.”
She gave Obama some credit for imposing tariffs on rubber products being imported from China, but noted, “There already is a trade war going on, and we’re losing.”
Imus and his guest found common ground on one issue this morning, and an unlikely one at that: “Trump for President,” Imus said. And even though Ingraham speculated that Jeb Bush could also run for President in 2012, Imus was, for now, unwavering. “Trump is the guy.”
Until, of course, he’s not.
-Julie Kanfer

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