Imus Drove By Harvard Once. John LeBoutillier Went In.
Former Congressman John LeBoutillier is welcome on this show anytime, even though he no longer serves in the House of Representatives. Unlike some other shows that refuse to book him, here at Imus in the Morning we’re not interested in talking to “the same hacks” and a bunch of “dopes” every week.
Granted, LeBoutillier, who now writes for Newsmax, was drinking some Hater-Ade this morning, telling Imus that if President Obama’s health care bill was so great, he wouldn’t still be trying to convince Americans of that notion.
It’s difficult for Obama to call this a “victory,” said LeBoutillier. “His Party’s going to get slaughtered in November. They’re going to get creamed.”
While they may not lose the majority in the House, LeBoutillier predicted Democrats would lose at least 30 to 40 seats, and that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would lose his reelection bid in Nevada.
Unwilling to concede Imus’s point that passing the health care bill saved Obama’s presidency, LeBoutillier would say only, “He saved the short term viability of his leadership.”
Which, Imus admitted, was a much better way of putting it. “That’s why you went to Harvard,” he told his guest. “I drove by Harvard, once. I went to see a doctor there.”
Speaking of smarty pants, Journalist David Remnick told Imus yesterday that, based on his extensive writing about Obama in his new book The Bridge, he considers the President center-left politically. LeBoutillier believes Obama will move to the center to get what he wants, as he did during his campaign against Sen. John McCain.
“He ran to the Left to get nominated, ran right back to the middle to get elected,” said LeBoutillier. “They all do it. But I think in his heart of hearts, he’s more liberal than many people would like to believe.”
Whatever one thinks about Obama, it’s pretty clear that another world leader with a funny name—Afghan President Hamid Karzai—has gone insane, declaring he would join the Taliban if he felt too much pressure from the U.S.
“He has to constantly look like he’s not a sock puppet of the United States,” said LeBoutillier. “Then I think he calls up Hillary and Obama and says, ‘I have to say these things to survive at home, but I’m still your friend.’”
By the way, LeBoutillier added, “Welcome to the Middle East. This is what they do. They play both sides all the time.”
Right. And we don’t know any politicians in the U.S. who do that.
-Julie Kanfer

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