Denise Austin's Does Not Ask You To Touch Her Tummy In New Book "Denise's Daily Dozen"
Denise Austin, fitness guru, checked in with her old pal Imus today to talk about her latest book "Denise's Daily Dozen," where the number 12 is all people need to change their lives through exercise and healthy eating habits.
"This is a commitment," she said of the program, which she follows herself.
She lays out 12 exercises to do every morning, and recommends people burn fat by doing the cardio equivalent of 12 miles every week, whether they run, walk, bike or swim.
"You gotta eat right too," she said, and lists in her book 12 "power foods" to eat everyday: 3 veggies, 3 fruits, 3 lean proteins, 2 healthy grains, and 1 healthy fat.
Informed that one of her "lean proteins" includes chicken, Imus became enraged, and explained to his guest what happens to people who eat chicken.
"You take on the karma of the chicken," he said, and described the awful, disgusting conditions in which most chickens are raised. "They're tormented and tortured. So you're eating an angry, ugly, tormented animal."
But nothing could squash Austin's effervescent outlook. "Then have warm lentils," she said, giggling. She also strongly recommends a good breakfast that will provide energy throughout the day.
Austin practices what she preaches, and is in unbelievable shape; it doesn't hurt that, as Imus pointed out, she "won the genetic lottery." Austin laughed, and said, "You should see the rest of my family!"
It was a comment Imus could not let slide, and he tried for the rest of the interview to get Austin to specify just which of her relatives was obese, ugly, or both.
On the subject of embarrassing relations, Austin wondered how Fred Imus was doing, saying, "He's cute." Imus informed his guest that Fred was fine, and was unlikely to be one of the many readers to take "Denise's Daily Dozen" to heart.
Austin suggests everyone — even Fred — work out for 30 minutes most days. "I only work out for 30 minutes," she said. "But I do it consistently."
Imus conceded that even on days when he's feeling incredibly weak, he feels better after having completed his course on the treadmill (more than 700 days in a row, thank you very much).
Then, because some things never change, Austin demanded everyone on set feel her tummy before she left. "It's still rock hard!" she yelled, running around like the loveable nut she is.
-Julie Kanfer
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