From the Greenroom

The Gatlin Brothers are in the Green Room with us today: Larry, Steve, and Rudy. It's been a long time since we've had such a charming bunch of guys to hang out with. I'm a little embarrassed as we don't have our usual 'Musician' hospitality tray of lukewarm egg wraps. I guess the Gatlins don't have that stringent a backstage rider. When Ryan Bingham was here, we had a 'Made To Order' omelet station. Although it was somewhat suspicious, as Jenna Lee was the one manning it.
Larry is one funny dude. The line of the day? "I always tell people you don't have to be full of %$#@ to be in show business. But it helps. " He regaled Tony and I with stories about his days playing college football for University of Houston. They once played at the Astrodome, and, after the game, he happened to find a scouting report, where the All Americans were on the list, but when he finally found his name down near the bottom it said, 'Larry Gatlin, 5'9"...deceptively fast. He's a lot slower than he looks."
He's the most entertaining guy we've ever had back here. Including Van Morrison. And not just because Larry didn't throw me and Tony out of the Green Room.