Peter Kiernan
Peter D. Kiernan, award-winning bestselling author, is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and advisor to businesses, non-profits and government. After a multi-decade Wall Street career, he left in 2000 to pursue venture capital start-ups, nonprofit work and writing. A 25 year Robin Hood Foundation board member, and past Chair and President of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation; he has served on the boards of numerous hospitals, colleges, graduate schools, disability and poverty fighting organizations and charter school initiatives and currently serves on the Al Smith Foundation. A frequent contributor on TV talk shows, radio programs and public speaking forums; Kiernan’s last book, Becoming China’s Bitch won the International Book Award and was a New York Times Bestseller. He holds an MBA from Darden at UVa where he sits on the President’s Advisory Group; and a BA from Williams College and lives in New England with his family.
His latest book “American Mojo: Lost and Found” is a penetrating look at how America has let its core middle class founder and how we are preventing this resilient majority from achieving their destiny.