Peter Kiernan Talks Middle Class Issues
Peter Kiernan is frustrated that no presidential candidate is talking about the key issues of the middle class. Certainly, there are shorthand things we can do like raise the minimum wage, which is necessary, but nowhere near sufficient.
Peter D. Kiernan, award-winning bestselling author, is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and advisor to businesses, non-profits and government. After a multi-decade Wall Street career, he left in 2000 to pursue venture capital start-ups, nonprofit work and writing. A 25 year Robin Hood Foundation board member, and past Chair and President of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation; he has served on the boards of numerous hospitals, colleges, graduate schools, disability and poverty fighting organizations and charter school initiatives and currently serves on the Al Smith Foundation. A frequent contributor on TV talk shows, radio programs and public speaking forums; Kiernan’s last book, Becoming China’s Bitch won the International Book Award and was a New York Times Bestseller. He holds an MBA from Darden at UVa where he sits on the President’s Advisory Group; and a BA from Williams College and lives in New England with his family.
His latest book “American Mojo: Lost and Found” is a penetrating look at how America has let its core middle class founder and how we are preventing this resilient majority from achieving their destiny.