Where Else Will Liz Claman Use Her 'Special' Voice?
Even though she graced Imus with her presence in studio this morning, Fox Business Network’s Liz Claman, host of Countdown to the Closing Bell, still used her porno voice. And since she was seated right in front of him, Imus noticed the blingy watch on her wrist, a Rolex, and informed Claman that watches make him crazy.
Turning to her left, Claman asked, “So he doesn’t wear a watch, Charles, and he’s sane?”
Not even close.
The economy’s current state is confusing, Claman told Imus, because people are wondering whether we’re “stalled in the mud,” “inching along,” or “reversing,” as she put it. “I think it’s an amalgam of at least the first two,” she said. “Inching along, and just stuck a little bit.”
Some companies, like Intel, for example, are having record years, while others, like a New Jersey-based cookie company, reported that the price for commodities like sugar, which is at a 30-year high, have made times more difficult for them.
She acknowledged that the market has come back of late, and is curious to see how this will impact the holiday shopping season. The problem of unemployment, however, lingers, and traditional indicators, like consumer spending, are not the beacons they once were.
Rather than relying on spending numbers, Claman thinks Americans should be “living within their means, or, frankly, beneath their means. Then I think you’d start to see the economy come back.”
She added, “We were so excessive, buying three flat screen TVs in one sitting, or people overleveraging, and charging up on their credit cards,” she said. “I think it’s better if you start to see people pay down their debt.”
After all, too much debt was the catalyst for this mess in the first place. “We should be more European in that regard: not spending so much,” Claman said.
Also important: taking responsibility, something Neil Cavuto believes was not done by people who bought homes they could not afford. “Small print is not fraud,” Claman said, obviously agreeing with her boss, and noting that the percentage of people who were actually “conned” into making outlandish purchases is smaller than Imus might think.
Claman congratulated Fox Business Network, just three years old, on beating its rival CNBC, a 21-year old network, on Election Night, where coverage consisted of 8 hours of Neil Cavuto and around 15 minutes of Imus.
As for how FBN was able to achieve such an impressive feat, Imus, of course, had the answer: “Cute guys, and smokin’ hot babes.”
-Julie Kanfer

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