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This Isn’t Our Last Love Letter 

Dear Don Don,
Way back in 92

I walked into the room and knew

Never felt this way before

I shook your hand while gazing into your eyes

And the feeling grew

As I took a seat I knew

A love that would have my heart


I knew

Way back in 92

They say love at first sight doesn’t always last or isn’t true

We were the exception to that rule

Our love had no where to hide

A spark set fire

As if this is how the universe started

I never doubted our love or what we could do

Together we grew

Forming a bond everlasting

That became our glue

My euphoria was YOU

I’m eternally grateful for the love and life we shared

For how fortunate we were :

“to have and to hold
through sickness and in health
Til death do us part”

Until we are together again

This isn’t our last love letter

I love you with all my heart and soul

Yours forever,

Deirdre  (Mrs. Hank Snow)

I’m fortunate to have fallen in love with, marry and make a life with the sharpest, coolest, funniest, most rare, bad ass, tender loving, loyal man on the planet, my husband Don Imus.

A True American Hero


I don’t know why it has been so hard for me to write about my dear friend Don Imus.

I certainly know what he meant to me, my family, my charity, my hospital and the millions of fans that listened and loved him for so many years.

I keep reading all the beautiful condolences that people are writing about how much a part of their lives were effected by listening to him over the years.

But what most people don’t talk enough about is what he did for all of us.


In every sense of the word, he was an American Hero. His work with children with so many different illnesses and his dedication to their future was unmatched by anyone I have ever known or heard about.

Besides raising over $100,000,000 for so many causes, he took care of young people for over 20 years in a state where he could not breathe.  Along with his incredible wife Deirdre, he created a world where children were not defined by their disease. That was a miracle! He was a miracle.


I will miss him ever day for the rest of my life.
I was blessed to be a part of his and Deirde’s life.
No one will ever do what he did.
I love you Don Imus - A TRUE AMERICAN HERO

David Jurist




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Imus Ranch Foundation

The Imus Ranch Foundation was formed to donate 100% of all donations previously devoted to The Imus Ranch for Kids with Cancer to various other charities whose work and missions compliment those of the ranch. The initial donation from The Imus Ranch Foundation was awarded to Tackle Kids Cancer, a program of The HackensackUMC Foundation and the New York Giants.

Please send donations to The Imus Ranch Foundation here: 

Imus Ranch
PO Box 1709
Brenham, Texas  77833

A Tribute To Don Imus

Children’s Health Defense joins parents of vaccine-injured children and advocates for health freedom in remembering the life of Don Imus, a media maverick in taking on uncomfortable topics that most in the mainstream press avoid or shut down altogether. His commitment to airing all sides of controversial issues became apparent to the autism community in 2005 and 2006 as the Combating Autism Act (CAA) was being discussed in Congress. The Act, which was ultimately signed into law by George W. Bush in December of 2006, created unprecedented friction among parents of vaccine-injured children and members of Congress; parents insisted that part of the bill’s billion-dollar funding be directed towards environmental causes of autism including vaccines, while most U.S. Senators and Representatives tried to sweep any such connections under the rug.

News Articles

Don Imus, Divisive Radio Shock Jock Pioneer, Dead at 79 - Imus in the Morning host earned legions of fans with boundary-pushing humor, though multiple accusations of racism and sexism followed him throughout his career By Kory Grow RollingStone

Don Imus Leaves a Trail of Way More Than Dust 

Don Imus Was Abrupt, Harsh And A One-Of-A-Kind, Fearless Talent

By Michael Riedel - The one and only time I had a twinge of nerves before appearing on television was when I made my debut in 2011 on “Imus in the Morning” on the Fox Business Channel. I’d been listening to Don Imus, who died Friday at 79, since the 1990s as an antidote the serious (bordering on the pompous) hosts on National Public Radio. I always thought it would be fun to join Imus and his gang — news anchor Charles McCord, producer Bernard McGuirk, comedian Rob Bartlett — in the studio, flinging insults back and forth at one another. And now I had my chance. I was invited on to discuss to discuss “Spider-Man, Turn Off the Dark,” the catastrophic Broadway musical that injured cast members daily. 

« Jim Nantz Lives A Sheltered Life | Main | Meghan McCain and Imus Have More in Common Than Simply Loving Senator John McCain »

Tom Friedman on Obama's Asia Trip, and Where The Real Tea Partiers Are

Because crazies reside on both sides of the political spectrum, Imus welcomed “left-wing whack job” Tom Friedman to the show today, and allowed the New York Times Op-Ed Columnist to present his horribly misguided view of the world for ten minutes or so.
The designated foreign affairs writer, Friedman has been writing frequently about this country because, he said, “I think America’s strength and vitality—or lack of it—is really the biggest foreign policy issue in the world. If we go weak, your kids don’t just live in a different America. They’ll live in a different world.”
Whiffs of this possibility have been evident during President Obama’s trip to Asia, where yesterday he attended the G20 economic summit in South Korea and was treated with little respect.
“It’s a harsh place out there,” Friedman said. “And so the Koreans argue a little harder for their fair trade deal…and China’s President Hu Jintao stares Obama down, and says, ‘I’ll increase the value of my currency when I darn well feel like it.’”
With China owning so much of this country’s debt, Imus wondered what happens if they stop wanting to lend us money, or demand repayment on their loans. “We and China kind of have what we and the Soviet Union had during the Cold War: mutual assured destruction,” Friedman explained. “Which, in the case of us and China, is mutual assured economic destruction.”
Pulling the plug on the U.S would therefore dramatically affect their own economy and impoverish the customers (Americans) China most needs to buy its products. “We can’t roll over without hurting them, they can’t roll over without hurting us,” Friedman said.
The results of last week’s midterm elections have proven to Friedman what he already believed to be true: there is a Tea Party in this country, but it ain’t the folks making all that noise.
not the real Tea Party?“I call that the Tea Kettle Party, because they’ve really been more letting off steam,” he said, showing Imus why he’s won three Pulitzer Prizes. “But they don’t have what seemed to me like a clear, coherent, strategic plan for reviving, renewing and refreshing this country.”
The real Tea Party, in his view, consists of a large swath of unrepresented people in the political middle of the country. “It stretches from the left wing of the Republican Party, right through the Independents, to the right wing of the Democratic Party,” Friedman said. “I call it the radical center, and I think that radical center really is still looking for leadership.”
Imus approved wholeheartedly of this theory, which also posits that besides worrying about losing their job, their home, or their car, people are also, for the first time, worrying about their country. And while Obama purports to be worrying about it too, he’s also concerned with Israel, whose behavior he criticized this week from Indonesia.
Friedman, for one, thought the whole episode was overblown, and sided with Obama that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should stop “bobbing and weaving,” and agree to work on a secure peace with Palestinian President Mahmous Abbas, who Friedman described as “the most decent…and the most effective leader” of his people.
“Palestinians are demanding a freeze on settlements—not an unrealistic demand,” Friedman said. As Netanyahu dithers, Obama has tried to entice him with promises of U.S. security and military assistance. “I don’t blame Obama for being frustrated,” Friedman added.
But Friedman, too, is frustrated, particularly with American politicians who aim only to defeat the President, whether it’s Obama or someone else, and do nothing to advance this country’s agenda.
“My Chinese friends always say to me, ‘Friedman, you really exaggerate us, you exaggerate our strength,’” he said. “I say, ‘You know what? You bet I do. Because you’re my sputnik. You’re that thing I want my country to see rising, so we get off our behinds and do the things we need to do.’”
People in China call him “Friedman?”
-Julie Kanfer

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