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This Isn’t Our Last Love Letter 

Dear Don Don,
Way back in 92

I walked into the room and knew

Never felt this way before

I shook your hand while gazing into your eyes

And the feeling grew

As I took a seat I knew

A love that would have my heart


I knew

Way back in 92

They say love at first sight doesn’t always last or isn’t true

We were the exception to that rule

Our love had no where to hide

A spark set fire

As if this is how the universe started

I never doubted our love or what we could do

Together we grew

Forming a bond everlasting

That became our glue

My euphoria was YOU

I’m eternally grateful for the love and life we shared

For how fortunate we were :

“to have and to hold
through sickness and in health
Til death do us part”

Until we are together again

This isn’t our last love letter

I love you with all my heart and soul

Yours forever,

Deirdre  (Mrs. Hank Snow)

I’m fortunate to have fallen in love with, marry and make a life with the sharpest, coolest, funniest, most rare, bad ass, tender loving, loyal man on the planet, my husband Don Imus.

A True American Hero


I don’t know why it has been so hard for me to write about my dear friend Don Imus.

I certainly know what he meant to me, my family, my charity, my hospital and the millions of fans that listened and loved him for so many years.

I keep reading all the beautiful condolences that people are writing about how much a part of their lives were effected by listening to him over the years.

But what most people don’t talk enough about is what he did for all of us.


In every sense of the word, he was an American Hero. His work with children with so many different illnesses and his dedication to their future was unmatched by anyone I have ever known or heard about.

Besides raising over $100,000,000 for so many causes, he took care of young people for over 20 years in a state where he could not breathe.  Along with his incredible wife Deirdre, he created a world where children were not defined by their disease. That was a miracle! He was a miracle.


I will miss him ever day for the rest of my life.
I was blessed to be a part of his and Deirde’s life.
No one will ever do what he did.
I love you Don Imus - A TRUE AMERICAN HERO

David Jurist




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Imus Ranch Foundation

The Imus Ranch Foundation was formed to donate 100% of all donations previously devoted to The Imus Ranch for Kids with Cancer to various other charities whose work and missions compliment those of the ranch. The initial donation from The Imus Ranch Foundation was awarded to Tackle Kids Cancer, a program of The HackensackUMC Foundation and the New York Giants.

Please send donations to The Imus Ranch Foundation here: 

Imus Ranch
PO Box 1709
Brenham, Texas  77833

A Tribute To Don Imus

Children’s Health Defense joins parents of vaccine-injured children and advocates for health freedom in remembering the life of Don Imus, a media maverick in taking on uncomfortable topics that most in the mainstream press avoid or shut down altogether. His commitment to airing all sides of controversial issues became apparent to the autism community in 2005 and 2006 as the Combating Autism Act (CAA) was being discussed in Congress. The Act, which was ultimately signed into law by George W. Bush in December of 2006, created unprecedented friction among parents of vaccine-injured children and members of Congress; parents insisted that part of the bill’s billion-dollar funding be directed towards environmental causes of autism including vaccines, while most U.S. Senators and Representatives tried to sweep any such connections under the rug.

News Articles

Don Imus, Divisive Radio Shock Jock Pioneer, Dead at 79 - Imus in the Morning host earned legions of fans with boundary-pushing humor, though multiple accusations of racism and sexism followed him throughout his career By Kory Grow RollingStone

Don Imus Leaves a Trail of Way More Than Dust 

Don Imus Was Abrupt, Harsh And A One-Of-A-Kind, Fearless Talent

By Michael Riedel - The one and only time I had a twinge of nerves before appearing on television was when I made my debut in 2011 on “Imus in the Morning” on the Fox Business Channel. I’d been listening to Don Imus, who died Friday at 79, since the 1990s as an antidote the serious (bordering on the pompous) hosts on National Public Radio. I always thought it would be fun to join Imus and his gang — news anchor Charles McCord, producer Bernard McGuirk, comedian Rob Bartlett — in the studio, flinging insults back and forth at one another. And now I had my chance. I was invited on to discuss to discuss “Spider-Man, Turn Off the Dark,” the catastrophic Broadway musical that injured cast members daily. 


Bernard McGuirk

Bernard McGuirk is the executive producer of the Imus in the Morning radio program and the better half of the Bernie & Sid show.   He was born and raised in the South Bronx, New York, where he worked in his younger years as a taxi driver.  He has worked in radio and television since 1986 after he graduated from College of Mount Saint Vincent in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, New York. 

Roger Stone

Roger Stone is an alternative historian who was one the legendary American Republican political consultant who has played a key role in the election of Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. Stone also served as an assistant to Senator Bob Dole. Stone is the author of "The Man Who Killed Kennedy - the Case Against LBJ" (Skyhorse). Stone is also the author of Nixon's Secrets, a broader look at the rise and fall and rise and fall and final comeback of Richard Milhouse Nixon. Stone has also chronicled men's fashion for the New York Times and the Daily Caller. His annual "Ten Best and Worst Dressed" list has been featured on the Huffington Post and the New York Post since 2009. Stone serves as Men's Style Correspondent for the Daily Caller. A Goldwater zealot in grade-school after a neighbor gave him Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative, Stone was elected Young Republican National Chairman in 1977. Stone was appointed Chairman of Youth for Nixon for Connecticut by Gov. John Davis Lodge who would become Stone's mentor. Stone was the youngest member of the staff in President Richard Nixon's re-election camping in 1972, the notorious CREEP - Committee for the Re-Election of the President. At CREEP Stone would fall under the tutelage of the legendary Murray Chotiner, Nixon's early campaign manager and the inventor of negative campaign advertising and tactics. In 1973 Stone went to work for Senator Bob Dole as a staff assistant and travel aide. In 1976 Stone was named by Senator Paul Laxalt as National Director of Youth for Reagan, a division of Governor Ronald Reagan's 1976 Presidential campaign. In 1978, Stone co-founded the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) where he is credited with developing the negative campaign into an art form and pioneering the modern use of negative campaign advertising which Mr. Stone calls "comparative, educational, not negative." Starting in 1979, Stone served as Regional Political Director for Governor Reagan's 1980 campaign for President handling New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, his native State. Stone became known for his expertise and strategies for motivating and winning ethnic and Catholic voters. Stone went on to serve in the same capacity in Reagan's 1984 reelection campaign adding responsibility for Pennsylvania and Ohio to the states Stone managed in 1980. He went on to serve as a Senior Consultant for California for President George H. W. Bush's campaign. Bush beat Dukakis by 1% in the Golden State. In 2000 Stone is credited with the hard-ball tactics which resulted in closing down the Miami-Dade Presidential recount. Stone is credited in HBO's recent movie, "Recount 2000" with fomenting the so-called "Brooks Brothers Riot" in which a Republican mob swarmed the recount demanding a shutdown while thousands of Cuban-Americans marched outside the Courthouse demanding the same thing. The New York Times and Miami Herald reported it was Mr. Stone who first tipped of the FBI to Governor Eliot Spitzer's use of prostitutes. Stone has worked for pro-American political parties in Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean. He is consulted regularly on communications and corporate and public relations strategy by fortune 500 ECO's and pro-democracy foreign leaders. Stone endorsed former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson for President before switching his registration from Republican to the Libertarian Party. Stone says his plans for 2016 are uncertain. Stone has been profiled in the Weekly Standard, The New Yorker, and the Miami Herald. Mr. Stone has written for the New York Times Sunday Magazine, The New York Times Op Ed page and for, Breitbart, the Huffington Post and the FOX Opinion page. He has appeared frequently on FOX News. 


Arthur Aidala

Arthur Aidala is a New York criminal defense lawyer and legal analyst on Fox News Channel. He was recently a guest lecturer at Harvard University's Law School at the invitation of professor Alan Dershowitz. In 2012, Aidala was selected as one of New York City's top criminal defense attorneys by Super Lawyers Magazine. Aidala is the grandson of Artie Aidala, renowned New York State Athletic Commission's ring judge inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame in 2008. Artie Aidala was one of the three judges that decided the outcome of the 1971 Ali v. Frazier "Fight of the Century" boxing match in Madison Square Garden. He is the son of Louis R. Aidala, former Manhattan Assistant District Attorney and a criminal defense attorney in practice for 50 years. Louis Aidala was a special prosecutor for the Attica prison riots and more recently represented celebrity Jennifer Lopez in New York City.


Bernard McGuirk

Bernard McGuirk is the executive producer of the Imus in the Morning radio program. He was born and raised in the South Bronx, New York, where he worked in his younger years as a taxi driver.  He has worked in radio and television since 1986 after he graduated from College of Mount Saint Vincent in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, New York. According to the MSNBC website, McGuirk is married with two children and resides in Long Beach, New York.

Congressman Peter King

Congressman Peter T. King, a Republican, is serving his twelfth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, being reelected in November 2014 with 68.5% of the vote - the highest margin of any Congressional candidate on Long Island.


Rep. King is a member of the Homeland Security Committee and Chairman of the Sub-Committee on [Counterterrorism and Intelligence]. He also serves on the Financial Services Committee and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Congressman King, who previously served as Chairman of the Committee in 2005-2006 and again in 2011-2012, has been a leader in the ongoing effort to have Homeland Security funding based on threat analysis and is a strong supporter of the war against international terrorism, both at home and abroad. As Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, he stood up to the pressure from special interest groups and the media to hold a series of hearings on Islamic radicalization. Chairman King led the fight to continue funding to the Secure the Cities Program to protect the New York-Long Island region from nuclear dirty bomb attacks.


During his years in Congress, Rep. King has attained a reputation for being well-informed and independent. Following the ravages of Superstorm Sandy, Rep. King led the successful fight in Congress to obtain $60.4 billion in emergency funding for the victims of the storm. Even Newsday has admitted that Congressman King is a "stand-up guy who isn’t shy about tangling with the powerful, even those in his own party. King has become a national figure who delivers for the region and his district."


Rep. King is a strong supporter of law enforcement, our military and has fought hard to bring veterans’ benefits into the 21st century. Congressman King is also a strong supporter of funding to combat deadly illnesses such as breast cancer and prostate cancer. He has also received the AARP's Legislative Leadership Award for combating elder abuse and exploitation.


Prior to serving in Congress, Pete King was elected to three terms as the Comptroller of Nassau County. Before serving in county government, Rep. King had extensive experience as a practicing attorney and civic leader. He began his political career in November 1977 by winning election to the Hempstead Town Council. Rep. King is also a member of the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Pythias, AMVETS and the Fighting 69th Veterans Corps.